We can mix and match all services
for a perfectly tailored Service Package made just for you!
Serving clients throughout the U.S. and Internationally.
Business Start-Up Services
Complete Business Start-Up packages start at $300
Employer Identification Number (EIN) Creation
State Incorporation
Registering for Business Licenses
Registering for Industry Licenses
Consultation on what type of company to create (ie LLC, Corp, etc.) and state to incorporate at
Training on what you should know when running a business (e.g. estimated taxes, business filing requirements, and understanding your books)
Bookkeeping Services
Bookkeeping packages starting at $350/month
Reconciling all bank, credit cards and loans
Process and Manage:
Chart of Accounts
Accounts Receivable (e.g. invoicing)
Accounts Payable (e.g. billing)
Sales Tax
Review of Intercompany Loans
Entry of cash-based or non-bank ledgers
Custom Reporting